Booking Terms and Conditions
Check in and Check out
In respect of confirmed accommodation, check in time is 14:00 hours and check out time is 12:00 (Noon). Failure to comply with these times without the consent of the Hotel may result in incurring additional charge of another one full night stay.
Cancellation policy for individual and group reservation
If the Client cancels individual reservations made before 24 hours prior to the arrival of the guest, then there shall be no charge. Where individual reservations are cancelled in less than 24 hours before the arrival, then the Client shall be charged one night no shows charge even if the guests have not arrived.
Our cancellation policy for group reservation based on the arrival date is detail as follow:
- One month before the arrival date shall apply no charge
- In less than one month but before 21 days 25% of the total one night cancellation charge shall apply
- In less than 21 days but before 14 days 50% of the total one night cancellation charge shall apply
- In less than 14 days but before 7 days 75% of the total one night cancellation charge shall apply
- In less than Seven days 100% of the total one night cancellation charge shall apply